KATY, TX (Covering Katy News) – Harris County Sheriff's investigators now say they have a suspect in the Sunday morning murder at The Cape at Grand Harbor apartments located at 24758 Grand Harbor Drive in Katy.
The victim is Christopher Boyd. The killer's motive has not been revealed. The Sheriff's Office did not reveal Boyd's age or the suspect's name. The suspect is a man.
Read our original story about this case
"Several tenants called 911 after hearing multiple gunshots and a crashing sound," the sheriff's office told Covering Katy News.

The Cape at Grand Harbor Apartments
Deputies were called to the scene at 5:30 a.m.
The victim's wife was one of the tenants who called. Her husband suffered multiple gunshot wounds and was transported by ambulance to an area hospital, where he later died.
At the front entrance of the complex, deputies found numerous fired rounds, damage to a fence, and the victim’s wrecked vehicle.
Detectives have reviewed the surveillance video and are now searching for the suspect, who has not yet been identified.