KATY, TEXAS (Covering Katy)—Katy's Cimarron subdivision recently received nearly $13.5 million in drainage upgrades, significantly reducing its flood risk.
During Hurricane Harvey, 162 single-family homes flooded in the Cimarron subdivision.
The new drainage improvements are expected to lower flood risk for more than 250 structures, 77 of which will no longer be in the 100-year floodplain.
On Tuesday, Harris County Precinct 4 Commissioner Leslie Briones hosted a ribbon cutting to celebrate the project's completion.
The improvements include:
- Larger drainage pipes.
- Increased capacity of inlets along curbs.
- Adjustments of waterlines and sanitary sewer lines.

Harris County Pct. 3
Cimarron has expanded its drainage capacity.
The Cimarron neighborhood was built in the 1970s with different drainage standards than those in place today. Before the upgrades, during heavy downpours and tropical events, rainfall routinely exceeded the local storm drainage system's capacity, flooding homes and streets.
In August 2018, one year after Hurricane Harvey devastated Harris County, voters overwhelmingly approved a $2.5 billion bond measure to finance various flood control projects.
"In Harris County, we know it isn't a question of if there will be another big storm; it is simply a question of when," Briones said.
The 2018 Harris County Flood Bond funded approximately $6.88 million. Municipal Utility District 81 contributed roughly $6.35 million, and Cornerstones MUD contributed $270,000.
"By leveraging partnerships and resources, we are building stronger communities that will better withstand the threat of repeat flood events for years to come," Briones said.
Construction began in January 2023 and concluded in March 2024.
"MUD 81 is proud to have partially funded this project to ensure our residents and drainage systems remain safe during storm events," said Patrick Cathcart, MUD 81 President. "We are thankful for the partnership of Commissioner Lesley Briones, the Harris County Precinct 4 team, and all the other partners who helped to make this project a reality."
The Harris County Engineering Department led the construction of the Cimarron project.
"Cornerstones is happy to play a part in the greater Katy area and do whatever we can to help our neighboring communities and other people impacted by flooding," said Morgan Stagg, Cornerstones MUD President.