CITY OF KATY (Covering Katy News) - The City of Katy Fire Department Santa tours start Monday, Nov. 27, 2023, with Firethorne being the first neighborhood on the tour.
The exact route of each neighborhood tour will be posted on the Katy Fire Department Facebook page each morning.
"Please watch for our daily Facebook posts beginning on the morning of Nov. 27 with each night's neighborhood route," the Katy FD posted on Facebook.
During the tour, firefighters will collect canned goods for Katy Christian Ministries and new unwrapped toys for the Lions Club and Toys-for-Tots programs.
"Take this opportunity to give back during this holiday season and have your donations ready to place in the last Vehicle following Santa, usually a truck and trailer or just a pickup truck," the fire department's Facebook post said.
"We aim to leave the South Pole (Fire Station) and be in your neighborhood between 6:15-6:30 each evening," the post said.
If poor weather conditions cause cancellation of a neighborhood visit, the fire department will alert the public on Facebook by 4 p.m.
The fire department also asks that people remove cars from the streets where they will be visiting so that their apparatus can easily navigate the neighborhoods.

Katy Fire Department