UPDATE SEP 14 3:54 PM:
On September 13, 2023, the Fort Bend County Municipal Utility District (MUD) 151 public water system, TX0790443, issued a boil water notice to inform customers, individuals, and employees that the water from its system required boiling prior to use for drinking or human consumption purposes. The District has since taken necessary actions to ensure the safety of its water and has provided the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) with laboratory test results that indicate the water no longer requires boiling prior to consumption as of today, September 14, 2023. Normal use may resume keeping in mind the District is still in Stage 1 of our drought contingency plan.
FULSHEAR, TX (Covering Katy News) - Due to a loss of system pressure, the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality has required Fort Bend County Municipal Utility District 151 to notify all customers to boil their water before consumption.
Fort Bend MUD 151 serves the Firethorne neighborhood. The District is wholly within the extra-territorial jurisdiction of the City of Fulshear.
See map below and click here for interactive map.
"At 7:15 am our operator, Inframark, received an alert regarding low levels in our storage tanks," a post on the MUD 151 website says. "Upon investigation, they found a well had an electrical fault causing pressure to quickly drop in the system. As a precautionary measure, a boil water notice was issued. To aid in the restoration of water and pressure the interconnect was opened, and by 10:00 am (Wednesday) pressure was restored to the facility and tank levels were climbing."
As previously stated, the boil water notice is precautionary. Bacteriological samples have been collected, and results are expected within 24 hours. Once we have favorable results from the laboratory the boil water notice will be rescinded.
FB MUD 151
Fort Bend MUD 151
"Children, seniors, and persons with weakened immune systems are particularly vulnerable to harmful bacteria," the MUD 151 statement says.
MUD 151 says water for drinking, cooking, and ice-making should be boiled and cooled before being used for human consumption.
"The water should be brought to a vigorous rolling boil and then boiled for two minutes," MUD 151 says.
People may also purchase bottled water or obtain water from another clean source.
When it is no longer necessary to boil the water, public water system officials will notify customers. You can monitor MUD 151 announcements here.
If you have questions concerning this matter, you may contact Inframark, the operator for Fort Bend County MUD 151, at their 24-hour Customer Service Line (281) 398-8211.