SUGAR LAND, TX (Covering Katy News) - Fort Bend ISD voters approved three bond propositions totaling $1.26 billion on Saturday.
"The district has not had a bond in five years, and as a result, some of its 82 campuses are rated in 'critical condition' due to outdated mechanical, plumbing, roofing, electrical and HVAC systems that are beyond reasonable repair," the district said.
Proposition A was approved by 66 percent of voters. The district will use $1,180,830,000 in bonds for new schools, renovations, and rebuilds. There is also funding for safety and security, technology infrastructure, transportation, and significant mechanical upgrades to district buildings.
Proposition B was approved by 67 percent of voters. The district will use $52,470,000 in bonds for technology devices for students and staff.This item was listed as its own proposition because state law requires computer devices to be listed separately on the ballot from technology.
Proposition C was approved by 57 percent of voters. The district will use $22,900,000 in bonds to pay for a Natatorium.
"Fort Bend ISD currently has one natatorium and one practice facility to serve all students across the district," a disrict statement said. "There is no swim facility in the southeast region. Proposition C of the bond will provide students and staff with access to an indoor swim center in the southeast area."
The FBISD board of trustees voted in February to put the bond issue on the ballot.
“I am grateful to our board for taking action that will provide the voters with the opportunity to consider improvements to campuses, classrooms, playgrounds, technology and buses throughout the district,” FBISD Superintendent Dr. Christie Whitbeck said.