KATY, TX (Covering Katy News) - The Katy Mills Mall Rainforest Cafe location will receive a $2.5 million interior renovation according to a permit filed with the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation on August 21.
Rainforest Cafe is a Landry's restaurant and has been at Katy Mills since the mall opened in October 1999.
"The restaurant will remain open throughout the renovation," a mall spokesperson told Covering Katy News. She said Landry's would not provide any additional information.
The Rainforest Cafe is a full-service restaurant appealing to kids because of its decor. Each location, including Katy Mills, is designed to look like a tropical rainforest with plant growth, fog machines, waterfalls, and mechanical rainforest animals. The ceiling and many walls have artificial foliage, and the booth seating has faux rock.
According to the filing with the state, the project will take about five months to complete. Construction is expected to begin in October and be completed by the end of March, but those timelines are only an approximation.