KATY, TX (Covering Katy News) - Tuck Everlasting tells the story of young Winnie Foster, a girl longing for adventure and escape from her stifling life in the late 19th century.
Winnie's world changes forever when she discovers a magical spring and meets the immortal Tuck family, who drank from it a century ago.
As Winnie befriends the Tucks, she learns their extraordinary secret -they can never age or die. She faces a choice: keep their secret and live forever, or return to her own mortal life. Tuck Everlasting explores themes of life, death, and the beauty of the fleeting moments in between.
This Fine Arts Musical will include 130 students (cast, crew, and orchestra) participating in this production. Ticket sales started January 8th and can be purchased at www.tompkinstheatre.com.
The show will run from January 18-20th and 26-27th at 7pm with a matinee show performance at 1pm and special cast Meet & Greet after the show.
Once the performance begins, there will be no admittance to the show until intermission. Because this is a judged event, it is vital to the quality of the performance to reduce interruptions and noise. Please plan to come early.
Image Caption:
- Top row- Zach Herrmann, Evan McCulloch, Carter Andry, Aisha Choquette, Rizal Patagoc, Andrew Flores, Tanner Ray
- Bottom row- Skylar Karnopp, Amanda Matos D'Lacoste, Sofia Torbello
- Photo Credit- Pranav Kothur

Pranav Kothur
The Cast of Tuck Everlasting

Tompkins High School Fine Arts Department