KATY, TX (Covering Katy News) - Katy Independent School District Trustees approved the formation of a Community Bond Advisory Committee on Monday night. The committee will decide if the school district should ask voters to support using bonds to finance new schools and renovations to current campuses.
The committee will review enrollment projections and explore current and future school needs.
“Our community has established a three-year bond cycle to build new schools, renovate older campuses and provide for safety and technology upgrades when needed,” said Greg Schulte, Katy ISD Board President. “Our last schools bond, which was delayed due to COVID, was in 2021."
Katy ISD continues to see growth in the northwest quadrant.
The Community Bond Advisory Committee will begin meeting in March.
District demographers project Katy ISD will have more than 100,000 students four years from now and will continue to add an average of 1,400 new students annually until at least 2032.
"An application to serve on the Katy ISD CBAC will be available from February 1 -15 via the email address community members have on file with the District," said a press release from Katy ISD.
Additional information is on the Katy ISD Community Bond Advisory Committee page.