KATY (Covering Katy News)—Two road construction projects will begin soon at busy South Katy area intersections: one near the South Mason Road H-E-B store and the other at the entrance to George Bush Park.
Dennis Spellman, Covering Katy News
Construction barriers have arrived at S. Mason Rd. at Highland Knolls Drive. Construction begins soon.
South Mason Road at Highland Knolls Drive
Construction barriers and heavy equipment have already arrived on South Mason Road at Highland Knolls Drive in preparation for a project that will add new northbound and southbound dedicated right turn lanes to the intersection.
Harris County Pct. 4 engineering and construction director Dan Dmytryshyn expects the new lanes to improve traffic flow in an area with several destination points, including H-E-B, Ace Hardware, Spec's Plaza, and the Astor Farm to Table restaurant.
South Fry Road-Westheimer Parkway intersection
On South Fry Road at the Westheimer Parkway intersection, Harris County Precinct 4 crews will extend the left turn lanes to reduce congestion and also make modifications to the traffic light.
Dmytryshyn says several factors determine when road improvements are warranted:
- Current and projected traffic patterns and volumes during peak and non-peak hours.
- Vehicle types utilizing the intersection.
- Collision history, visibility, sightlines, and accommodation of pedestrians and other active modes of transportation.
Dmytryshyn said a secondary consideration is the age and condition of the existing infrastructure.
"The upgrades in the Katy area will help improve traffic flow through these locations, reducing driver delays and improving safety for all road users," Dmytryshyn said.
Construction on both projects is expected to be completed in August.