KATY, TX (Covering Katy News) - The school zone in front of Beckendorff Junior High School will be extended west along Fry Road to include the Meadowbrook Farms Club Drive intersection to improve safety for students who walk and bike to school.
Katy ISD requested the school zone expansion. Precinct 1 Constable Chad Norvell developed the plan with Fort Bend County Engineering and the support of Commissioner Vincent Morales who brought the issue before the Commissioners court this week, where it was unanimously approved.
The Meadowbrook Farms Club Drive intersection is used by many student but it is not currently in the school zone. Katy ISD and some parents wanted that changed.
"It's 600 feet from the school grounds but outside the school zone," Seven Meadows resident Christie Wootan told Commissioners Court during a public hearing on Tuesday.
Wootan says a high percentage of Beckendorff students walk or bike to Beckendorff and need the protection of an expanded school zone.
"Just over half the geographic area is not eligible to take a bus to schools," she said. "So, that puts a lot of kids in cars, and 300 to 400 students get to school every day by walking or biking."
Fort Bend County
Beckendorff parent Christie Wootan speaks to Fort Bend County Commissioner's Court.
Wootan was the only person to speak at the public hearing on the school zone expansion.
"The incidents and near misses speak for themselves," Wootan said. "In January 2021, a student was struck in this crosswalk but thankfully survived his injuries. Another student was struck this past November but luckily had no injuries."
Fort Bend County story disclaimer: Covering Katy owner Dennis Spellman is an employed by the Fort Bend County Precinct 3 Commissioner's Office.