RICHMOND, TX (Covering Katy News)— Fort Bend County Emergency Services District 5 broke ground on the county's newest fire station on Thursday, Aug. 8, near the corner of Grand Mission Boulevard/Harlem Road and Beechnut Road.
The new 23,000-square-foot facility in Richmond will include four pull-through bays for fire apparatus, living quarters, training room, offices, conference room, exercise room, rock-climbing wall, and additional support spaces.

Covering Katy News
The groundbreaking for Northeast Fort Bend Fire Station 3 was attended by members of the fire department, ESD 5, County Jude KP George, Precinct 3 Commissioner Andy Meyers, Precinct 4 Chief of Staff Ali Hasanali, and Slattery Tackett Architects.
"This is going to be a great thing for the citizens of the district, as well as Fort Bend County, because it will expand our response capability, especially for our special teams that respond regionally throughout the county," said Chief Travis Baxter, who noted the new master-planned community Trillium that is under construction a short distance away.
"Eleven hundred homes are coming in, so if you do an average of two people per home, that's 2200 people coming to the area, said Shazib Iqbal, president of the Fort Bend County ESD 5. “I'm just making a broad assumption; there could be four people in one house."
Much has changed since the department started in 1972 with one fire truck stationed outside members' homes. The new facility will be the Northeast Fire Department's third station, allowing it to improve coverage in the 20 square miles it protects.
The department began the land acquisition and planning for the new station began in mid-2022 and it will be located where Fort Bend County Precinct 3 meets Precinct 4.
"I'm very pleased with the focus on more responsive fire protection this station will provide to one of the fastest-growing areas in Fort Bend County," said Precinct 3 Commissioner Andy Meyers who took part in Thursday's groudbreaking.
"As Commissioner I continue to prioritize keeping Fort Bend County a safe, family and business friendly community that’s helping people choose to make this area home. We continue to invest in the infrastructure that safeguards our communities and ensures residents’ well-being, which is what this new fire station represents."
Below are additional renderings of the Northeast Fort Bend FD Station 3.
In addition to being the publisher of Covering Katy News, Dennis Spellman is also employed by the Precinct 3 Commissioner's Office.
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Slattery Tackett Architects
A rendering of the conference room inside the Northeast Fort Bend FD Station 3.
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Slattery Tackett Architects
A rendering of the kitchen area of the Northeast Fort Bend County Fire Station 3.
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Slattery Tackett Architects
A rendering of the living quarters inside the Northeast Fort Bend FD Station 3.
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Slattery Tackett Architects
A rendering of a meeting room inside the Northeast FD Station 3.
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Slattery Tackett Architects
The Northeast FD Station 3 will have a place for firefighters to work out.
In addition to being the publisher of Covering Katy News, Dennis Spellman is also employed by the Precinct 3 Commissioner's Office.