KATY, TX (Covering Katy News) – As the fall semester approaches, more than 18,000 students are taking part in the Katy Summer Academic Term (KSAT), which includes targeted interventions and interest-specific learning opportunities. Some students also prepared for the upcoming fall season with academic, fine arts, or athletic camps.

Katy ISD
Katy ISD students taking part in the district's summer arts camp.
The KSAT program, the largest of the summer initiatives, saw enrollment from all educational levels. Elementary students took part in ESL/Bilingual instruction through grade-specific summer programs aimed at enhancing their English-language skills. Junior high and high school students had the chance to earn original or recovery credits through Katy Virtual School.
“Katy ISD offers a robust summer learning experience for all students and our goal is to ensure they receive what they most need, either intervention, credit or enrichment,” said Carrie Sanguinetti, Coordinator for Online Learning Options, KSAT and Raines Academy.
Students receiving special education services also benefited from Extended School Year (ESY) services, providing year-round intervention. In June alone, over 800 students received speech therapy as part of ESY support.
From late May through June, the Fine Arts Department conducted various camps for young musicians, including elementary music, junior high choir, orchestra, and band, as well as jazz for junior high and high school students.
At the District’s Outdoor Learning Center, students participated in a summer recreation program at the Welch Outdoor Learning Center. They explored farm animals, nature arts and crafts, and learned to cook without modern conveniences, all while spending time outdoors.
Katy ISD high schools also offered summer strength and conditioning camps for junior high and high school athletes in preparation for the next school year.

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Katy ISD students taking part in the school district's summer 2024 athletic camps.
“Our student-athletes are dedicated to their sport of choice and work to improve, even during the summer,” said Lance Carter, Executive Director of Athletics for Katy ISD. “Our coaches and trainers create an environment that supports that desire to improve and opportunities for them to learn and grow.”
Additionally, the District’s Athletics Department provided recreational swim lessons for those interested in water safety.
Katy ISD’s fall semester begins on Wednesday, August 14.